Published on Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Since I like synthwave music, here is a beautiful responsive retrowave sunset, styling just one element. You can find a full Codepen demo.
For this purpose a single div
is enough
<div id="sun">A retrowave sunset</div>
Then we create the small purple core with a radial-background
and the bigger circle using its ::after
#sun {
display: grid;
grid-template: 1fr / 1fr;
inline-size: min(80vmin, 400px);
aspect-ratio: 1;
border-radius: 50%;
font-size: 0;
--bg: #f9124f;
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 min(20px, 5vmin) var(--bg));
background: radial-gradient(
circle at center,
var(--bg) 0, var(--bg) 53%, transparent 60%
#sun::after {
content: "";
grid-area: 1 / 1;
background: linear-gradient(#fcc22f, #f945e5);
border-radius: inherit;
--mask: linear-gradient(to top,
#000 1.5% , #0000 2% , #0000 5% , #000 5.5%
,#000 7.5% , #0000 8% , #0000 10.6%, #000 11.1%
,#000 13.6%, #0000 14.1%, #0000 16.3%, #000 16.8%
,#000 19.8%, #0000 20.3%, #0000 22.1%, #000 22.6%
,#000 26.1%, #0000 26.6%, #0000 28% , #000 28.5%
,#000 32.5%, #0000 33% , #0000 34% , #000 34.5%
,#000 39% , #0000 39.5%, #0000 40.1%, #000 40.6%
,#000 46.6%, #0000 47.1%, #0000 47.5%, #000 48%
,#000 53.5%, #0000 54% , #0000 54.2%, #000 0
) no-repeat;
-webkit-mask: var(--mask);
mask: var(--mask);
The mask
is needed to create some gaps at the bottom, so the core behind is visible. And here is a demo of a full retrowave and animated scene.